Sustainability Index for Smarter Choices

A green product is a great pick

Choosing the greener option starts with comparing products on sustainability. As part of the Life EPICS program, Euronics will devise and introduce a Sustainability Index for electronic products. This simple 1–10 score makes it easier to identify and choose smarter, sustainable options. The index will consider all relevant metrics across a product’s lifetime.

Choosing the greener option starts with comparing products on sustainability. As part of the Life EPICS program, Euronics will devise and introduce a Sustainability Index for electronic products. This simple 1–10 score makes it easier to identify and choose smarter, sustainable options. The index will consider all relevant metrics across a product’s lifetime.

Learning While Teaching

A Simple System, Backed by Complex Research

The Sustainability Index is based on in-depth analysis and data collection. Interviews with consumers and staff help us measure and improve the use of the index in our stores. The index evaluates the following key factors:

The Sustainability Index is based on in-depth analysis and data collection. Interviews with consumers and staff help us measure and improve the use of the index in our stores. The index evaluates the following key factors:

Program Goals and Timeline

The Sustainability Index aims to improve the sales of sustainable products, improve circularity and waste management. The index will be developed through a joint work with Applia (industry association), EuCER (retail association) and the EU Commission. After the initial development and first pilot test, data collection and interviews will provide us with feedback for improvements. After a second pilot test, and successful evaluation, the Sustainability Index will become available in 16 EU countries.

The Sustainability Index aims to improve the sales of sustainable products, improve circularity and waste management. The index will be developed through a joint work with Applia (industry association), EuCER (retail association) and the EU Commission. After the initial development and first pilot test, data collection and interviews will provide us with feedback for improvements. After a second pilot test, and successful evaluation, the Sustainability Index will become available in 16 EU countries.


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Want to know more about the ways Life EPICS reduces the environmental impact of electronics?
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Want to know more about the ways Life EPICS reduces the environmental impact of electronics?
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Want to know more about the ways Life EPICS reduces the environmental impact of electronics?
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Reducing the Environmental Impact of Electronics

thanks to the contribution of LIFE,

a European Union financial instrument.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Electronics

thanks to the contribution of LIFE,

a European Union financial instrument.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Electronics

thanks to the contribution of LIFE,

a European Union financial instrument.